
Hi there. My name is Heather Munro. I’m a professional writer, amateur photographer, typography geek, nature lover, student of life, and Oxford comma enthusiast — though not always in that order.

Favorite pastime: Traveling. It’s like a giant reset button because it gets me out of my comfort zone and fills my senses with new input. Plus, I love learning about history and other cultures.

Other hobbies: Collecting (quotes, rocks, seeds, stamps, stories). Raising bonsai. Hiking. Journaling. Daydreaming. Learning languages. Reading. Wandering aimlessly.

Worst job: Stamping the price inside textbooks at a discount bookstore. It taught me the value of my time, and the importance of meaningful work.

Dream job: Travel writer/editor. Alas, that market is saturated — so I do it anyway for my own enjoyment, and then post my articles here.

NatGeo reject IMG_4137 BLOG

First published piece: An obituary. (Thankfully not my own. Ha.)

Favorite city: Paris (as is obvious in this blog). I love its layers of history and its rich, paradoxical culture. I save every spare penny to visit as often as I can.

Medication allergies: None that I know of — but I haven’t tried them all yet.

“What camera do you use?” I get that question a lot. I’ve been using Panasonic mirrorless (micro four-thirds) cameras since 2008. My current kit is a GX85 body with its stock 14-140mm zoom lens, the marvelous 20mm Panasonic pancake, and a generic fisheye.

Recommended books, favorite quotes, etc.: For that, you’ll have to see the rest of my blog.

Thank you for stopping by.